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Gina Lovick, DTM

Make Your Speech Lit


- slang describing something that is "exciting or excellent."

If we want to make change in the world… somewhere along the way, we must entice people to listen to us.

How we speak, causes people to tune in or drop out. I think people are likely to tune in and listen to us when we speak with “HALE.”

I'm not referring to the stuff that falls from the sky and hits you on the head. That's a synonym, 'hail'.

Specifically, I'm using this definition: to greet or acclaim enthusiastically.

However, I will shamelessly make the pun and use the synonym 'hail' as an anacronym and how I think our words will be received if we stand on these four principles.

'H' is honesty

  • being true in what you say, being straight and clear

‘A’ is authenticity

  • just being yourself

  • standing in your own truth

‘I’ is integrity

  • if you say it, live it

  • being someone people can trust.

‘L’ is love

  • I don't mean romantic love,

  • I do mean wishing people well


I consider that there are two things in play with this… I think absolute honesty may not be what we want.

As an example: Husband to wife, “My goodness, you look ugly this morning.” Probably is not going to start the day well and is just flat-out not necessary. Do without Judgement If you're really wishing somebody well, it's very hard to judge them at the same time. I'm not even sure you can do those two things simultaneously. “HAIL” is how to make your speech ‘lit’.

“HAIL” is how to get your audience all ‘lit up’.
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