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Gina Lovick, DTM

Leadership Styles

Leadership often subscribes to the strategy of market domination. At least it sounds like it, when we hear the phrases “Win Market Share” and “Defeat the Competition.”

I beg to differ. I say the strategy that wins is not about winning or losing.

By observing what successful leaders, entrepreneurs and great friends do, I’ve come to an understanding of what underlies organizational success.

Yes, it is the same underlying cause for all these things. I hope my observations will influence your Perspective… In both your personal and professional leadership roles. The element at play is called Fair Exchange: What you give in return for what you receive. I see that there are 4 levels of exchange… 01 Rip Off This level exists when something is taken in and nothing is given in return Examples:

- Payment for an order and nothing is delivered

- Robbers take and leave nothing

- Time vampires: people who eat up your time and produce/give nothing of positive value in return

02 Short-Change Exchange This comes about when individuals or companies take in money and only partially deliver or deliver a defective/substandard product. Even personal relationships can roll this way. It’s a lopsided affair. This goes beyond just short-changing a single sale… It can show up in the finances of corporations and individual relationships when borrowing goes beyond any reasonable means or expectations or intentions to fully repay loans or credit cards. Someone ends up with the short end of the stick 03 Fair Exchange Fair exchange occurs when corporations deliver exactly what was ordered for orders and money received. Friends engage in it when they meet each other’s expectations. It’s not a lopsided relationship 04 Exchange In Abundance This level isn’t common. It’s not about BOGO, buy one get one free. It’s not even about giving away free service. It is about giving something more valuable than money was received for. Example: - Someone orders an average doodad, but what they receive is: an above average doodad. Plus, it’s delivered with promptness and courtesy! Example: - It’s the leader who is invested in the personal well-being of those in his charge:

He cares you are doing well and wants to understand when you aren’t.

He goes above and beyond to make it possible for you to succeed.

"Leadership of any kind falls into one of these levels and these are actually Leadership Styles."

When the Rip-Off style exists... companies, governments and friendships inevitably fail: Customers go elsewhere, employees quit, governments get overturned or friendships go aground. All because leaders didn’t lead. They might have showed up 9-5, they might have been quick to take high-pay and bonus, but they gave nothing of value in exchange. The result of Short-Change Leadership... isn’t any better. It just takes longer to hit rock bottom. It’s a painful demise for all concerned. It's found in the leader or mentor who has no real concern for the well-being of others. When we get to the Fair Exchange style... leaders are sustainably supportive and encouraging. They are morally responsible that there is an equitable exchange.

"At this style, Leadership is not MIA, but while it seems that all is well with leadership supporting sustainable levels of production and well-being, there is a missing link."

What more could you want? I think Fair Exchange leadership propagates a false sense of security. False security because it is not a leadership style which is particularly forward facing. It’s focused on today’s bottom line, today’s assessment. It’s not focused on ensuring a better future! The future inevitably brings change. To prepare for the future, I encourage you to adopt a leadership style which brings prosperity across the boards and ensures prosperity can continue as new challenges and conditions evolve.

"Be the Leader who has empathy and the perspective which considers that deep meaningful relationships matter. Be the leader who Exchanges in Abundance. Be committed to investing in the well-being of those in your charge."

Exchange In Abundance is... the Leadership Style which isn’t concerned about dominating the marketplace or annihilating the competition. It’s centered on the User Experience. As a result, it builds loyalty, it fosters creativity and it ensures a prosperous future . Exchange in Abundance is... the Leadership Style that invests in the personal well-being of all concerned. It’s the Leadership Style which knows that people make success.

I urge you to become people-oriented. If you want to be a great leader - start with empathy. If you want to be an even greater leader, Exchange in Abundance in all facets of your life.
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