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Gina Lovick, DTM


2 Reasons Why You Can Be Your Club’s Webmaster

1. You don’t have to be a web designer to have an amazing website for your club!

2. You won’t have to spend countless hours as a webmaster.

If you are a chartered Toastmasters club just follow these steps...

01 The very first thing to do is:

Verify that all your club’s information is listed correctly with the Toastmasters International website. Check that the club’s address, contact email and whether or not your club accepts virtual attendance are correctly recorded.

You will need this information to get your website.

Good News! You do NOT have to be a geek or tech guru to get a website for your club.

FreeToastHost provides to clubs a FREE website and they host it on the internet for you for FREE!

02 Go to FreeToastHost - Request a Website

03 Scroll down the page and fill out the Request Form

*Be sure to fill out the form completely*

04 Submit your Request

05 Relax

Someone will review your request and when it is approved you will have a website for your club!

It usually happens much faster than you think!

06 Look on the web for your website

Type the following into your browser address bar: (where nnnnn is the club number... no leading zeros)

07 Congratulations are in order!

Your club now has a website!

Better than just a website! This website is specifically designed for Toastmasters clubs which means:

· It meets Toastmasters International Branding guidelines

· It is fully integrated with Pathways

· It is set up to manage club meetings (calendars, agendas…)

· It contains “apps” which manage/track club business

· And a lot more…

08 Follow this blog series

This is the 1st in a series of blogs devoted to making it easy to have and manage a club website. Subsequent blogs will address adding content and using the features of your new website.

A FreeToastHost website has the functionality to support the actions of each club officer!

Without a doubt it can be key to helping you take running and promoting your club to the next level!

09 Attend District 48 Virtual Tech Support Workshops

Consult the District Calendar for workshops scheduling


Need Help?

Contact the Social Media Chair 2020-2021 (aka Tech Support) at

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